Blue Magic walkthrough

Wind Shrine

  1. Obtain Blue Mage job.

  2. Learn Aero from Moldwynd.

  3. Learn Goblin Punch from Black Goblin.

  4. Return to Pirates’ Hideout and learn Vampire from Steel Bat. Pick up the Ether from the treasure room.


  1. Ascend North Mountain. Use an Ether on Headstone and learn Flash.

  2. If you’re severely overleveled, fight Jackanapes in the Castle Walse basement and learn Moon Flute.

  3. Enter Walse Tower and learn Pond’s Chorus from Elf Toad.


  1. Go to Karnak and learn ???? from Wild Nakk in the overworld.

  2. Board the Fire-Powered Ship. Use Thunder on Motor Trap and learn Self-Destruct.

  3. Enter Karnak Castle. Find Gigas in a treasure chest and learn Aera.

  4. Learn Death Claw from Iron Claw.

  5. Obtain Beastmaster job. Level up twice to learn Control.

  6. Return to the Fire-Powered Ship. Use Beastmaster to learn Missile from Motor Trap.

Library of the Ancients

  1. Find Dhorme Chimera on the overworld and learn Aqua Breath.

  2. Find Mythril Dragon on the overworld. Use Beastmaster to learn Transfusion.

  3. Ensure only one party member’s level is divisible by 5, and learn Level 5 Death from Page 64.

  4. Learn Moon Flute and Off-Guard from Page 256; Beastmaster required for the latter.

  5. If you missed Aera before, learn it from Page 32.

  6. Learn Magic Hammer from Byblos.

  7. Before visiting Crescent, learn Flame Thrower from Prototype two islands to the southwest.

  8. Learn Dark Spark from Black Flame outside Istory or Crescent.

Ronka Ruins

  1. Use Beastmaster to learn 1000 Needles from Lamia.

  2. Use Beastmaster to learn White Wind from Enchanted Fan.

  3. Ensure at least one party member’s level is divisible by 4. Learn Level 4 Graviga from Ghidra.

Barrier Tower

  1. Learn Time Slip from Traveler.

  2. Ensure at least one party member’s level is even. Learn Level 2 Old from Level Tricker.

  1. Ensure at least one party member’s level is divisible by 3. Find Red Dragon in a treasure chest and learn Level 3 Flare.


  1. Enter Ghido’s Cave. Learn Aeroga from Metamorph in Enchanted Fan form.

  2. Enter Great Forest of Moore. Learn Lilliputian Lyric from Mini Magician.

  3. Enter Castle Exdeath. Learn Doom from Exdeath.

Merged World

  1. Find Stingray on the world map where Walse Tower used to be. Learn Aqua Breath.

  2. Enter Island Shrine. Learn Mind Blast from Wendigo.

  3. Enter Phoenix Tower. Learn Roulette from Parthenope.