The “getting to know the Qestir tribe” quests in Reunion.
Nekhii’s tribe nomadded their way across Ilsabard, eventually settling down and founding a village several generations ago. In their dealings with the locals, their ideals gradually corrupted from “words are for liars” to “we may need to let some people talk so we can do trade with these people we now live amongst” and eventually landed on “men can be trusted to speak, but women are all liars, so they mustn’t”.
Nekhii learned sign language in secret from the other girls in her tribe and eventually left home after her girlfriend was drafted into the Garlean military.
Arriving in Reunion and seeing Qestir of all genders with their mouths covered was a bit of culture shock.
As she did the questline she came to decide “Okay this is silly but it’s way more reasonable than what I grew up with, I can kind of respect this”.