Hi there, 2024! This is me from the year 2028. I just thought you’d be interested in an update from the future.
What? You want to know who wins the election? You want to know what we do about climate change, if anything? Sorry, temporal laws forbid me from telling you any of that. But I can tell you what happens in patch 8.0 of Final Fantasy XIV!
Well, sort of. I can’t give away the plot, but I can tell you the broad strokes. You ready? Here we go!
- The Warrior of Light and their Scion friends go to a new region to help solve a problem.
- The first two zones can be done in any order. There’s no real gameplay to speak of in either zone. Grab some popcorn; you’ll just be running back and forth and watching a lot of cutscenes.
- When you finish that introduction, you’ll head into the level 101 dungeon.
- From there until the level 103 dungeon, we’re back to Cutscene Land. Actually, there’s one solo duty that’s at either level 102 or 104, I don’t recall which. It’s pretty good though.
- Right after the level 103 dungeon, you fight the level 103 trial.
- From level 104 to level 108, there’s not much. There’s dungeons at 105 and 107, but aside from that, it’s just cutscenes.
- The level 109 dungeon leads into the second trial.
- After that, we get to the sixth zone, which is just… I can’t even hint at it. All the other zones were shown or hinted at in the promotional materials, but the sixth zone is totally out of left field. You’ll never guess what it is.
- After the sixth zone we have the level 110 dungeon and trial, and then credits!
Sorry I can’t tell you more. Temporal laws and so forth. You understand.