Dream diary: weird procedural thing

Sometimes I have weird dreams that seem, at least at first, like they might make for fun story ideas, so why not record them here?

Anyway it was some kind of… procedural? I think it was about private detectives, not cops, because they met a cop at some point and seemed to dislike her. Which is fine by me. The premise was that some people are attracted to the ground by gravity like normal and some are repelled (which is an idea I was tossing around for some kind of story a few years ago but never actually wrote) and I guess the detective pair consisted of one of each.

Except also corpses were being puppeted around by ghosts or something. At one point someone died and their autopsy reveals they’d actually been dead for a year. (Oh right, that’s where the cop came in. She was a coroner.) I don’t know if this was, like, a core feature of the universe or just a monster-of-the-week thing.